Benefits of AgroRun Foliar Fertilizers in Corn

AgroRun and Corn

Corn Soil Request

Ideal soil for corn plant; It should be soils with good drainage, high water holding capacity, quick heating and pH between 5.5 and 8. Soils with a pH of 6-7 are best. Corn is quite resistant to salinity during the germination period.

Corn Diseases

Corn Rice

The causative agent is a fungus. Precipitation is an important factor in the development of the disease. Corn smut produces swellings called gall on all above-ground parts of the plant such as leaves, stems, cobs, tassels and male flowers. Wales is formerly hard and covered with a shiny gray-white membrane. It is very harmful for cobs, male flowers and knuckles. Grains on the cobs taken from diseased plants are susceptible to rot. Severe contamination in the early period causes the death of the plant and the failure of the cob.

Corn Leaf Blight

Corn leaf blight is caused by a fungus. It spends the winter in corn residues and grains. Small spots resembling lozenges turn into large spots as the disease progresses. It can also cause root rot and wilt during the seedling period. The disease can be seen in extreme conditions from 4-5 leaf stage. It causes severe infections during the pollination period, which is the disease-sensitive phase of the plants. If the disease has occurred before this period, the yield loss may be 50%.

Root and Root Rot in Corn

Root and crown rot in maize is caused by fungal factors. The disease is seen in the seedling stage. Due to the disease, the seeds rot. If it has germinated, pre-emergence or post-emergence deaths (precipitation) occur. In later periods, stem rot and wilt symptoms are seen in plants. Root and stem rot typically results in rotations and twists around the stem axis of plants. The diseased plant falls over, and it is seen that support roots are formed in the nodes where it touches the ground. In mature plants, the fungus enters the roots and develops in the bark tissue and enters the stem, and yield losses can reach 20-30%.

Corn Pests


The larvae are straw yellow in color and their bodies are elongated, cylindrical and hard. Larvae living under the ground do the main damage to wireworms. They feed by eating the germinating seeds of the corn plant. They destroy the seed, break the thin corn roots, and in the thick roots, they feed by making holes in the main stem close to the soil. Damaged plants dry out easily.


Larvae gnaw by cutting the root collar of young maize plants close to the soil surface, and this causes the maize plant to break and dry out. They mostly operate at night. During the day, they hide under the ground next to the plants they cut or in the root zone. When digging into the root zone of newly cut or newly wilted plants, curled larvae are seen.


The eggs are stacked like fish scales or tiles. The larvae are yellowish brown in color with brown spots on the body. By opening galleries in the leaves, stems and cobs of the plant, they cause weakening, breaking of the stems, falling of the cob to the ground and thus loss of product. This also means that the yield from the corn harvest is low.

Cob Wolf

The larvae of the corn cobworm cause damage to the leaf, stem and cob starting from the young seedling period of the corn plant. The damage on the leaf is mostly in the central leaves and mutual holes are formed in the leaves. It manifests itself by opening galleries on the stem and cob, removing their excrement from the holes it enters, destroying the grains in the cob by eating, hollowing the stem with the galleries it opens and emptying it. They cause the development of fungal factors on the grains on the cob and damage to all grains. Therefore, they lead to a decrease in corn yield.


Aphids suck corn plant sap, weakening and drying the plant. Abnormal growths and deformities occur in the plant with a poisonous and destructive substance they secrete during their feeding. The leaves of the plant are curled. It causes viral diseases by carrying and transmitting many viruses. They prevent respiration and assimilation by causing honey and fumagine with the sweet substances they secrete.

Red Spider

The damage to the corn plant occurs with the yellowing of the leaves. Red spiders on the underside of the lower leaves form colonies on the leaves and prevent the formation of chlorophyll by sucking the plant sap. Plant nutrition and development slows down. The result is yellowing and drying of the leaves. The plant is shortened. Grain on the cob regresses and the product decreases, causing losses in the corn harvest.

AgroRun and TerraBora Effects on Corn

• When AgroRun and TerraBora Plus are combined with water; produces unique amounts of ortho silicylic (H4SiO4) and monosilicic acid (Si(OH)4). In this way, it protects the plant against fungal diseases that may occur in the corn plant. It supports the healthy development of the corn plant. Increases the stem strength of the corn plant by 40%.

• It fights against fungus and root diseases.

• It protects the corn plant from many diseases such as smut, leaf blight and root and root rot. It destroys the pests in the soil by narrowing their living space. Thus, the yield obtained from healthy corn plants grown in soils free from diseases and pests increases by 30-40%.

• It increases the development, coarsening and growth of the corn plant by 30%, and also supports the grain binding on the cob, thus directly affecting the tonnage received at the harvest.

• Increases the beneficial bacteria population in the soil. The quality, size and number of grains of healthy corns grown in soils rich in organic matter are higher.

• Under normal conditions, the plow base, which is between 30 cm and 40 cm, is retracted to a depth of 70 cm to 80 cm with regular use of TerraBora. Soils with a deep plow base are very important for the healthy nutrition of the plant.

Effect of AgroRun on Pests!

Disease-causing pests cause damage by penetrating the leaf surface (cuticle, cell wall) of the plant and penetrating into the cell membrane. Thanks to the special formula of AgroRun, when combined with water; produces unique amounts of ortho silicylic (H4SiO4) and monosilicic acid (Si(OH)4).

• In this way; They polymerize in epidermal plant tissues by combining with silicon, pectin and calcium ions in the stems or leaves of plants to form a silica-cellulose layer. This silica layer is located between the cuticle and the cell wall and prevents the penetration of pests into the cell like a protective barrier.

Effect of AgroRun on Fungal Diseases!

When AgroRun foliar fertilizers are combined with water; produces unique amounts of ortho silicylic (H4SiO4) and monosilicic acid (Si(OH)4).

• In this way; They polymerize in epidermal plant tissues by combining with silicon, pectin and calcium ions in fruits and leaves of plants to form a silica-cellulose layer. This silica layer is located between the cuticle and the cell wall and prevents the penetration of pests into the cell like a protective barrier.

• Increases the function of the plasma membranes, which are vital for the plant, and provides hemostasis by participating in its structural structure.

• Silicon also forms complexes with organic compounds in the cell walls of epidermal cells; It also increases the resistance of cell walls to degradation with enzymes secreted by fungi.

• Another protective feature of the silicon in AgroRun foliar fertilizers is that it reduces abiotic stress and creates a protective wall for the plant against external stresses. What are these external stresses; temperature, drought, low and high temperature, ultra violet (ultraviolet), physical factors such as hosts, and chemical factors such as heavy metals and salinity.

• Against drought stress, the plant takes a precaution against water loss by transpiration as a result of the accumulation of silica on the lower surface of the cuticle and provides protection by increasing the leaf surface. It provides protection against high sun damage and high temperatures thanks to the thermal and passive cooling mechanism, which is one of the physical properties of the silica structure. The dissolved state of silicic acid in water increases the tolerance of the plant against salinity and metal ions (Zn, Al, Mn, Cd), and on the other hand, it allows the increase of enzymatic and non-enzymatic activities, on the other hand, it reduces lipid peroxidation. These enzymatic antioxidants are super oxide dismutase, and the non-enzymatic oxidant catalase is ascorbate.

Effect of AgroRun on Bacterial Diseases!

•  When AgroRun Products are combined with water; produces unique amounts of ortho silicylic (H4SiO4) and monosilicic acid (Si(OH)4).

• Silicon in AgroRun foliar fertilizers combines with pectin and calcium ions to form a silica-cellulose layer, thus closing these wounds and warts. The life cycle of harmful bacteria ends in closed wounds and warts.

•  Plant diseases are one of the most important factors that hinder agricultural production. As a result, there is a noticeable decrease in product yield and quality.

Amorphous silica in AgroRun and TerraBora products,

It forms a protective barrier by joining the structure of the cell wall of the plant against diseases, and thanks to this feature, it prevents the losses in product yield and quality in the plant.

• It has a direct effect on growth and reproduction in many plant species.

• It protects the plant against the risks of environmental factors.

• It facilitates the intake of nutrients such as K, P, Ca, which are necessary for the leaf, into the cell by participating in the structure of the cuticle.

• By participating in the structure of the transmission bundles, it ensures that the elements required for the leaf are carried more regularly.

• It alleviates the toxic effect of heavy metals in the soil.

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