TerraBora Plus

TerraBora; It is a 100% organic fertilizer with its macro and micro elements, developed to improve the structure of the soil, strengthen the plant and increase soil and product productivity.

Guaranteed Analysis
Organic Matter % 40
Organic Carbon % 17
Organic Nitrogen % 2,5
Free Amino Acids % 6
pH 5

TerraBora; Thanks to its physical and chemical properties, it attracts and traps toxic substances within its own body. TerraBora; It transfers the nutrients contained in it to the soil, increases the mineral contents in the soil and creates nutrients within the plant.

TerraBora contains a broad spectrum of blended minerals. These include Silicon, various electrolytes, trace minerals and other essential nutrients.

TerraBora Plus, a wide spectrum of minerals include the following elements; ( all in organic form )

Barium Nickel Magnesium Iron Cadmium Calcium Sodium
Silicon Dysprosium Lanthanum Bromine Beryllium Thallium Ytterbium
Tellurium Thulium Titanium Rubidium Zinc Selenium Potassium
Copper Vanadium Gallium Lithium Sulphur Boron Samarium
Niobium Molybdenum Thorium Bismuth Iodine Phosphorous Scandium
Gadolinium Hafnium Aluminum Holmium Strontium Rhenium Neodymium
Fluorine Erbium Germanium Manganese Zirconium
  • Increases plant growth and crop yields.
  • Increases nutrient content within produce.
  • Increases Mycorrhizae* population in soil.
  • Strengthen plant stalks.
  • Reduces fungal growth.
  • Increases diseases resistance within plants.
  • Replenishes minerals depleted soils caused by over-farming.
  • Converts conventional farmlands to organic farmlands rapidly.
  • Reduces phosphate and chemical runoff into streams and lakes.
  • Increases taste and flavour of the fruits and vegetables.
  • Makes unusable but useful substances available for the plants.
  • Detoxify contaminated soils.
  • Speed up decompositions of minerals.
  • Restore structure of the soils.
  • Economise water and air.
  • Increases ion exchange capacity.
  • Increases buffering capacity of the soils.
  • Increases numbers of useful microorganisms in soils by restoring and reconditioning the soil.
  • Prevents leaching of chemical residues by absorption herbicides so that reduces toxins runoff into streams.


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